The Pacific Islands Environment Leadership Awards (PIELA) are the only Pacific region focused environment awards event, and was established by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme in 2013.
The awards recognise, promote and celebrate outstanding contributions of individuals, communities, non-governmental organisations, private enterprises and countries and territories towards achieving an environmentally sustainable and resilient Pacific.
PIELAs were given for outstanding achievement in the following thematic areas related to environmental sustainability in the 21 Pacific island
Members within the SPREP mandate:
Biodiversity and Ecosystem protection - achievements in national levels protecting terrestrial and marine species and ecosystems, establishing and managing protected areas, linkages to sustainable livelihoods
Environmental governance - achievements relating to the establishment and implementation of national laws and policies, regional frameworks, and community-based management initiatives for all environmental issues
Climate change adaptation and resilience - innovative solutions for ecosystem-based adaptation at community, sub-national and national levels
Waste management and pollution control – innovative solutions and initiatives to reduce and/or improve waste management and pollution control at the sub-national and national levels
The celebration of the Pacific Leadership Awards is postponed until 2021 when we can bring together the recipients of the Awards to celebrate at a live event.